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Student Registration Information

Minimum Age and Entrance Requirements

Kindergarten Registration

Exception for 2023–2024 School Year: A child who has attended Pre-K and turns 5 years old between August 2–7, 2023 is eligible to attend kindergarten.

Kindergarten students must have attained the age of five years old on or before August 1st.

First Grade Registration

First-grade students must have attained the age of 6 years old on or before August 1st and completed a minimum of 6 weeks of kindergarten.


Demonstrate proof of completing kindergarten and promotion to first grade while being a resident of another state in compliance with the age and entrance requirements of that state. A report card from another state showing completion of kindergarten and promotion to the first grade is required. Report cards from private schools in Nevada or other countries are not acceptable documentation for an exception to the age requirement.

Second Grade

Second-grade students must have attained the age of 7 years old on or before August 1st and demonstrate proof of completing kindergarten and first grade at a public, state licensed private, state exempt private or approved home school program.

Registration Information

The following information will help you prepare to register your child in the Clark County School District.

1) School Search

Click here to Search for your Child's Zoned School

2) Online Registration

The Online Registration System is available in English & Spanish. Click the OLR button.

Parents can complete registration at home or contact their child’s zoned school for school registration dates and hours.

Existing Student

Parents who have children currently registered in a CCSD school use their Campus Parent account to re-register their children or add a student.

Click on the button below to log in to Campus Parent:

Online Registration - Existing Student

New To District

Parents who have children new to CCSD or are returning after having left CCSD can use the link below to register. After completing the online registration application, bring all required documents to your child’s zoned school.

Click on the button below to complete a new registration:

Online Registration - New To District

3) Documents Required For Registration for All Students



Parent/Guardian ID

Personal identification of parent/guardian (driver's license, picture identification, etc.) bearing your name. (photocopies will not be accepted)

Child's ID

Please bring ONE of the following (photocopies will not be accepted):

  • Original birth certificate

  • Passport

  • Certified birth card issued by the Clark County Health District or another health district.

Immunization Record

NRS 392.435 Immunization of pupils: Certificate prerequisite to registration; conditional registration; effect of failure to immunize; report to Health Division; inclusion of certificate in pupil’s record.
Unless excused because of religious belief or medical condition, a child may not be registered in a public school within this State unless his parents or guardian submit to the board of trustees of the school district in which the child resides a certificate stating that the child has been immunized and has received proper boosters for that immunization or is complying with the schedules established pursuant to NRS 439.550 for the following diseases:

Immunization Resources

2023-2024 School Year Immunization Guidelines

NRS 392.435 Immunization of pupils: Certificate prerequisite to enrollment; conditional enrollment; effect of failure to immunize; report to Health Division; inclusion of certificate in pupil’s record.


Unless excused because of religious belief or medical condition, a child may not be enrolled in a public school within this State unless his parents or guardian submit to the board of trustees of the school district in which the child resides a certificate stating that the child has been immunized and has received proper boosters for that immunization or is complying with the schedules established pursuant to NRS 439.550 for the following diseases:

Parents are encouraged to provide proof of student COVID-19 vaccines to the school’s health office.


5 DTaP/DPT (Minimum age: 6 weeks) if series was started before age 7 (lab titer NOT acceptable)

Catch up schedule – Students age 7 or older, who are not immunized with the childhood DTaP/DPT vaccine series, should receive Tdap vaccine as the initial dose in the catch-up series. If additional doses are needed, use the Td/Tdap vaccine.

  • 1st, 2nd dose and 2nd and 3rd dose must be separated by 4 weeks

  • 4th dose must be separated from the 3rd dose by at least 4 months

  • 5th dose must be separated from the 4th dose by at least 6 months and given on or after 4th birthday

  • 5th dose not needed if 4th dose given on or after 4th birthday and at least 6 months after previous dose

    • A total of 4 doses DTaP/DTP/Td/Tdap combination is needed if the first dose is given less than 12 months of age. Dose 3 and 4 must be 6 months apart. 4th dose does not need to be repeated if it was administered at least 4 months after the 3rd dose

    • A total of 3 doses Td/Tdap combination is needed if first dose given at 12 months and older. Dose 2 and 3 must be 6 months apart

  • Tdap if given at age 7,8 or 9, must be repeated at age 11-12 years old. Dose is valid if administered at age 10.

2 Hepatitis A (Minimum age: 12 months) (lab titer acceptable)

  • 2nd dose must be at least 6 months after the 1st dose.

3 Hepatitis B (Minimum age: birth) (lab titer acceptable)

  • 1st and 2nd dose must be separated by 4 weeks

  • 2nd and 3rd dose must be separated by at least 8 weeks

  • 3rd dose at least 16 weeks after the 1st dose. (Minimum age for final- 3rd or 4th dose: 24 weeks of age)

2 MMR** (Minimum age: 12 months) (lab titer acceptable)

  • 1st and 2nd dose must be separated by at least 4 weeks

  • 2nd not required until on or after the 4th birthday

1-2 MCV4 (MenACWY-Quadrivalent MENINGOCOCCAL) (lab titer NOT acceptable)

  • Required for 7th grade registration after June 30, 2017 (and all students new to District between 8th and 12th grade).

  • Must receive at least 1 dose of MenACWY on or after age 10 years. (Does not apply to students registered before July 1, 2009).

  • A MCV4 (MenACWY) dose is required on or after the age of 16 for students entering 12th grade.

  • Required for 12th grade registration after June 30, 2022. (Does not apply to students registered before July 1, 2009).

3-4 Polio/IPV/OPV (Minimum age: 6 weeks) (lab titer NOT acceptable)

  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd doses must be separated by 4 weeks

  • Final dose at least 6 months after the previous dose and on or after 4th birthday

  • 4th dose not needed if 3rd dose is at least 6 months from the previous dose and on or after 4th birthday

1 Tdap (lab titer NOT acceptable)

  • Required for 7th grade registration and all students grade 8th - 12th
    *See DTaP/DTP for catch up schedule. Dose is valid if administered at age 10.

2 Varicella/Chicken Pox** (Minimum age: 12 months) required for students new to Nevada, or new to District after July 1, 2011

  • 12 months through 12 years, 1st and 2nd dose should be separated by 3 months; however dose is valid if separated by 4 weeks if inadvertently administered (lab titer acceptable).

  • 13 years and older, 1st and 2nd dose must be separated by 4 weeks

  • Physician verification of past disease required for exemption

**Live vaccines (MMR, Varicella and live, attenuated Influenza) must be separated by 28 days if not given on the same day. Four-day rule applies if the same live vaccine is administered.

New Waiver Changes

The religious exemption form will be completed annually in accordance with state guidelines.

The permanent medical exemption will not have to be completed annually since it is a permanent medical condition.

The temporary medical exemption will be completed annually in accordance with state guidelines.

**Please provide any proof of student COVID vaccines/boosters to the school health office

Proof of address

You must bring one of the following:

  • Recent utility bill

  • Rent receipt

  • Residence Lease or Sales Contract

Note: If you only have a sales contract for the purchase of a new home as proof of address, the school will register your child on the condition that one additional proof of address from the above list is submitted within 30 days. Driver's license, telephone bill or cable bill are NOT acceptable.

If you do not have documentation because you are living in a temporary or homeless situation, call Title I Homeless Outreach Program for Education at 702-855-6682.

6 Diamond St.

Blue Diamond, NV 89004

School Hours 8:00 a.m. - 2:11 p.m.

Office Hours 6:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


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